Friday, 4 May 2012

Day 8: Mile 109- "I believe of magic"

Trail Angel (noun): A kind hearted individual who goes out of their way to perform trail magic; unprecedented good deeds, usually in the form of items of luxury or necessity, to hikers on the trail.

Well yesterday we passed 2 great milestones, we did our first 20+ mile day, as we hiked 21 miles from Scissors Crossing to Barrow Springs and we also surpased the 100 mile mark.

But more important than that, I think, are the things we are learning on the trail.  I had heard before we came out here that hiking the PCT will restore your faith in humanity and already I can see that it's true. I'm talking about trail magic, people. It's real. Believe it.

I know Jesse touched on this in his post, but I really wanted to get this point across. Despite what you may think, there are great people out there. People who see others with seemingly unatainable goals, walking from Mexico to Canada and instead of calling them crazy, they do whatever they can to help them accomplish it. The last few days have been full of magic. We had to do nothing more than walk to the side of the road before a nice lady pulled over and drove us into town where we were welcomed with open arms by the locals and given free lunch followed by LITERALLY the best apple pie I've ever had. Then, after an unnecessary 5 dollar discount on the price of my new monocular (after leaving my binoculars under a tree about 30 miles earlier), we were again picked up at the side of the road without even having time to put out our thumb.

Once we got back to the trail we hiked another few miles of a 28 mile "waterless stretch" to find 50 gallons of fresh water waiting in a cache for us. Water unnamed heroes had hiked all the way in there and left for us, not even expecting a thank you. You would think that would have to be the end of the magic right? Think again, as we pushed on to Barrow Springs we began seeing signs on the trees, motivating us to go on with the promise of cold beer and oh did they deliver. We got there to find RVs set up around a roaring fire, hotdogs, chilli and ice cold beers basically being forced on us. It nearly brought a tear to my eye. This morning, once we woke up we were welcomed back to the RVs for some fruit, bagels and coffee before we graciously thanked these great souls and hit the trail again.

And now we're in Warner Springs, where the community centre has opened it's doors to us, setting up a resupply shop for us, giving us access to showers, computers, cooking us burgers and allowing us a place to stay the night. I'd say I don't want to leave this place, but I've heard rumors of a Cinco de Mayo party being held for us 18 miles up the path.

So, folks, what I'm getting at here is take a lesson from the great trail angels of the PCT. Be good to the people around you, no matter who they are, because it feels good to be kind and it feels even better at the recieving end.  If the real world could be as close knit and caring as the PCT and the trial community, it would be a much more pleasant place to be. Trust me on this.

Happy Trails,

Also, me and Jesse are going to ocme up with a better system for our posts to avoid redundancy posting things twice. So stay tuned for that.


  1. Still waiting for my special "shout out to aunt cathy" <3

  2. Had a solid laugh at you're postcard man. Sounds like you're lovin life there, glad to hear you're making friends ;) Keep up the good work boys!


  3. Hi Mike. I don't mind the double posts. I just read yours, and skim his. Don't worry about it, people are not actually being forced to read both posts. Isn't it a great discovery to find out that people are nicer than you expect. Sounds great so far. Love the pictures and love that people are being great.

  4. This was a sweet post!

  5. Pretty impressive brother. I like that your faith in humanity is being restored...there are some great people in the world! Also, the few pictures that were posted are BEAUTIFUL.

    Love, Sister

    1. I am happy to hear that you are experiencing the generosity of the U.S. I was born there and have travelled many a time there since then. There are good people no matter what country you are born in to or travel to. Travel on my nephew. Your writing brings tears to my eyes but in a good way.

  6. This sounds so amazing Schmitty. I'm so glad that there are so many "Trail Angels" to help you guys on the way! You can do it! - Juliaa

  7. Ted Hildebrandt7 May 2012 at 19:41

    Sounding pretty awesome. And to think you are only at the beginning of this journey. Hope you encounter many more "Trail Angels" along the way.

  8. Scmitty!! I have to let you know that this blog keeps me sane at work. If I have to be stuck inside a building with fluorescent lights all day instead of being outside in real sunlight, I'm glad I can at least read about it on here lol. I'm mega jealous of you guys, keep up the good work.
    Ps - I don't mind the double posts either, gives me more time to slack off at work ;)

    -Megan (ginger bretheren)
