Tuesday 24 April 2012

Let's get this stone rolling...

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

-Henry David Thoreau

Well, it has begun. I had meant to post something before we actually hit the road, but when I began to write at 530 this morning after not sleeping a wink, everything I wrote down ended up being total crap... So you're welcome. Hopefully anything I spew out now, sitting in the airport, after drinking some unreasonably expensive beer, sucks a little less.

The fact remains however, that this trip is officially underway. Although with everything happening over the past week or so, one could argue that I've been in the thick of it for days. This week has been interesting. Its been a week full of great times and hard times. I got to spend the week unemployed, waking up when I want, hanging out with awesome people all day, brewery tours, bowling, croquet socials, conversation over dinners and conversation over liquor. But they all ended in the inevitable goodbye.. some for months, others for years and some even forever. It's been difficult, but having to deal with these hard times has really left me humbled, put things into prospective for mecand left me driven, determined to get to BC and make everyone back home proud.

The only thing that stands in our way now is 1 flight and a couple buses (and a super fun day at the zoo to come tomorrow, which I'm stoked on) and then it'll finally be time spit in mother nature's smug face and show her that we call the shots. Stay tuned for more from me, but hopefully Jesse will have something for you soon too.

Happy trails!
(Side bar: I may start signing off with happy trails haha)


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